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Monitor JVM Performance

Monitor JVM Performance & Gain Visibility with JVM Performance Reporting

The need to monitor JVM performance is as important as building and designing a Java Application. This is because complex enterprise applications use various APIs and coding practices to scale the application. To ensure the smooth running of a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) the application team should ensure the command line parameters set are appropriate and need to tweak it regularly to ensure peak JVM performance. They need to monitor JVM usage and have a powerful Java Performance monitoring Tool.

Monitor JVM Performance

ManageEngine Applications Manager helps monitor a Java Virtual Machine's memory heap, non-heap memory, monitor threads and other key metrics to ensure the JVM has good performance.
Monitor JVM Performance

ManageEngine® Applications Manager also provides extensive reporting capabilities that help visualize time of day during which there is poor performance and other statistical reports that help gain visibility of how various command line parameters and Garbage Collection Algorithms impact the Java Application Performance.

Monitor Related Java Applications

With the reporting capability of ManageEngine Applications Manager you can also decide on your own, what type of GC algorithm works best for you be it the throughput collector, incremental low pause collector or concurrent low pause collector etc. The ability to even execute JMX MBean Operations helps take corrective actions automatically in a production setup.

Monitor JVM Memory / JVM Heap Memory

ManageEngine Applications Manager can help monitor JVM Heap and Non Heap Memory. You can even configure thresholds and be alerted by email, SMS etc and ensure a Java application is tuned well.

Monitor JVM Performance

JVM Performance Reporting or Monitor JVM Performance

ManageEngine Applications Manager also provides reporting capabilities that help the application team make educated decisions. Performance data is archived and shown in an intuitive screen and this helps the operations team to ensure the Java virtual machine is configured properly. It also helps configuration management teams to monitor the impact of configuration changes on JVM performance
JVM Performance Reporting

To monitor JVM Performance or manage Java Applications, download ManageEngine Applications Manager now or learn more about Java Runtime Monitoring.

