RabbitMQ是一个基于告警消息队列协议(AMQP)的开源企业级消息系统。Applications Manager提供深层次的RabbitMQ系统监控来确保在你的业务服务中正常运行。
通过Applications Manager,你可以监控VMware vFabric RabbitMQ实例的关键性能参数,例如:队列、消息、连接、通道等。还提供了强大的故障管理和告警通知。例如当RabbitMQ队列中有大量的消息,导致消费者不能及时处理生产者的消息。另外一种故障是生产者发布消息,而与之对应的消费者已经停机。Applications Manager可以帮助你快速发现并解决这些问题,来保证RabbitMQ服务器的性能。
Ensure your business-critical messaging system is running smoothly.
Track data rates per connection. In case of network congestion, drill down to connections that are choking the bandwidth.
Get notified if the socket descriptor utilization goes above the specified threshold to ensure connections do not get timed out.
Monitor the number of messages published, delivered, routed and acked on a per channel basis. Understand which channels are publishing messages fast or consuming slowly.
Monitor incoming and outgoing message publishing rates to ensure messages are broadcast to the relevant queues.
Track the total number of messages ready, messages unacknowledged, messages unacked per queue, queue length, etc. Make sure the queue grows sufficiently as the usage increases.