We are working on the dashboard refresh functionality, and it should be available in one of our future service packs.
For now, we do not have the option to restrict tasks views.
Yes, failover can be purchased as an add-on for the Standard, Professional, and Enterprise editions.
In ServiceDesk Plus 9.1, we have provided the ability to export Gantt charts , project dependency, and task dependency maps as PDFs.
For now, the failback mechanism is not automated. After a failover, the secondary server will serve as the master. The failover server acts as the secondary server that runs parallel to the primary server. This secondary server or slave will act as the primary server or the master when the primary server or master is down.
However, the fallback mechanism has to be done manually, which will then switch over to the primary. We are planning to automate this in the near future.
Setting criteria for approvals is not yet available in field and form rules.
When solution is imported into ServiceDesk Plus, it will be added, but will not be updated in the existing solution.
This feature is hidden in the application. There is a UserMerge utility available in ServiceDesk Plus that can help you accomplish this request. If you have a specific requirement, please contact our support team; they will help you activate the Usermerge utility. You can use this functionality to merge existing users based on their display name or email address.
Yes, you can use the iOS app with 2 domain setup, but you cannot log on with the same login credentials spread across different domains through the iOS app.
The field and form rules are written in Javascript. For custom triggers, VB Script, Python Script, or even a batch file can be constructed and invoked.
I believe your requirement is to fetch request values to be populated in the external script. If that is the case, there is a config file in the back end that must be custmomized. Request details will be stored in a file (as json format) and this file path can be passed. You will also need to include $COMPLETE_JSON_FILE as a command-line parameter for the script.
For example, if you like to integrate SDP with Jira, you will have to fetch requester name and other field values from SDP. Those values must be customized in the config file in the server by following the procedure in the admin guide. Then, you can get values from SDP and push them to an external application like Jira.
Failover can be purchased as add-on over Standard, Professional, and Enterprise editions. At present, the failover option is available only in Windows OS (64 bit architechture only).
Currently ticket reassignment information is stored in the database. If needed, database can be queried to get the reassigned count.
We have provided sample integration files for Admanager, Jira, and ManageEngine's Social IT Plus. It is available in the integrations folder in the ServiceDesk Plus root folder.
For now, the failover option is available only on Windows (64 bit architechture only). Because we rely on the Robocopy mechanism in Windows, it is available only on Windows OS.
Failover mechanism is made available only for the front end now.The database will be the same. The shared locations will remain the same too. Therefore, failover is possible in the front end and if there is a problem in the database, we will not be able to do a failover for that. It's a single database design.
None as of now.
We use the email address to differentiate users with the same name. Let's suppose one user has multiple email addresses and those email addresses can be configured for that user. The second user will also have multiple email addresses associated with the account. The first email address associated with the user can be configured as the primary email address and the other as secondary. This way, you can differentiate the two users on the basis of email addresses.
SDP On-demand is a new product compared to the On-Premise and its got a new interface. We plan to adapt On-premise as well, but we do not have a defined timeline for the UI enhancements.
Let me explain how the Mobile app works. Say your SDP server is available in the intranet, then the mobile app must be connected to the same network and the prerequisite is perhaps creating an api key. For a user, go to his profile and create an api key. Then, the user will be able to connect the mobile app to the server's ip address or a dns name. Secondly, if the SDP server is hosted online, the users can connect to the mobile app over the service provider network. For any other difficulties, you can contact our support.
You can run a custom report, save it as a csv file, and then import it onto a new machine.
We do not directly support Cluster databases; they can be handled in the SQL end and configured. But, there is no cluster support in SDP.
This has to be handled by service provider.
Features planned for Change :
You can configure an auto api key to be generated for users through the Admin -> Self service portal section so that the requesters api key will be generated on the fly.
Any third party application can be integrated with ServiceDesk Plus through request custom menu option, provided the application API supports the intended action.
For further queries, please drop a mail to support@servicedeskplus.com