Applications Manager提供了邮件服务器的深层监视。Applications Manager连接到邮件服务器并执行SMTP、IMAP和POP操作,发送和接收电子邮件,确保SMTP、IMAP和POP服务器的可用性。
The Mail Server Management feature enables performance management by monitoring the response time of the server and updates the status based on a given threshold and also provides comprehensive management reports. It also ensures availability and health through automated event escalation via email, SMS etc. and helps taking corrective action by executing user scripts that can help restart a service etc.
可用性 |
显示邮件服务器的可用性 |
相应时间 |
显示邮件服务器的响应时间 |
Mail Server Monitoring Capabilities
- Out-of-the-box management of Mail Server.
- Monitors performance statistics such as Availability and Response time.
- Based on the thresholds configured, notifications and alarms are generated if the mail server or any specified attribute within the system has problems. Actions are executed automatically based on configurations.
- Performance graphs and reports are available instantly. Reports can be grouped and displayed based on availability, health, and connection time.
- Delivers both historical and current Mail server performance metrics, delivering insight into the performance over a period of time.