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Upgrade to Latest Version Service Pack 9.0 (Build 9001)

We recommend our users to move to the latest version EventLog Analyzer 9.0 build #9000 released on April 29, 2014. (What's New in this Service Pack?)
Upgrade packs are common for both Windows and Linux installation.

If you have installed EventLog Analyzer 9000 full build, you need not apply any service pack
Select the Product Build Number
(How to find the Build number?)
Upgrade path to move to latest build
(Instructions to apply Service Packs)

Fill this form to get Service Pack 9.0 (SP-9.0)* and apply it to upgrade to latest build 9001

* Only users with a valid AMS (Annual Maintenance and Support) or Annual Subscription contract are eligible to download Service packs and other upgrades. Refer ManageEngine Support for more details.


Instructions to place the EventLog Analyzer JRE Zip file - Only applicable for service pack 8.6 upgrade

Depending on your Operating System and EventLog Analyzer 'Build type' ('Build type' could be found under Help > About in EventLog Analyzer top pane) download the appropriate zip files from the links below and place it in 'EventLog Analyzer Home Directory'.(By default the location is C:/ManageEngine/EventLog)

Note: Ensure there is no pgsql_old folder in the location C:\ManageEngine\EventLog. If present, move the folder to a different directory before upgrading from Version 8.5 to Version 8.6

For EventLog Analyzer Distributed Edition:

Copy the above zip file in 'EventLog Analyzer Home Directory' (By default the location is C:/ManageEngine/EventLog) of Admin Server and all Managed Servers

Note: If the zip file is not available at EventLog Analyzer Home directory then you might get the following error message

EventLog Analyzer JRE Zip file


Instructions to migrate indexes manually:

The indexing mechanism has been upgraded in 8061/2 release. The migration of index files of older version is performed automatically after the upgrade during search or report generation. Since, index migration is resource (CPU/Memory) intensive, it is advised to carry out this operation manually.

Run MigrateIndex.bat/sh script present under <EventLog_Analyzer_Home>\troubleshooting directory in the command window.

For EventLog Analyzer Distributed Edition:

Run MigrateIndex.bat/sh script present under <EventLog_Analyzer_Home>\troubleshooting directory in the command window on all Managed Servers


Instructions to apply Service Packs


  • Ensure enough disk space is available in EventLog Analyzer server machine for service pack upgrade.
  • If EventLog Analyzer has been installed as a root user in a Linux machine, continue with the below procedure logged in as a root user. If the product is installed in Windows OS, open the command prompt with administrative privilege. [View Screenshot]
  • Please ensure that the <EventLog Analyzer Home> directory has Read, Write permissions.

Upgrade Instructions

For EventLog Analyzer Distributed Edition:
Apply the service pack in Admin Server only, it will be propagated to all the Managed Servers automatically

Step 1: Shut down EventLog Analyzer server/ service

If EventLog Analyzer is running as a service, stop the service. Ensure that the server/service is terminated completely

Step 2: Take a backup of the database of EventLog Analyzer server

For EventLog Analyzer Distributed Edition:
Take backup of the database of Admin Server and all the Managed Servers separately.
  1. For PostgreSQL database (For 8010 build and above):

    Take a backup of the existing EventLog Analyzer PostgreSQL database by creating a ZIP file of the contents of <EventLog Analyzer Home>/pgsql directory and save it as pgsql_backup.zip in the <EventLog Analyzer Home> directory.


  2. For MySQL database:

    Take a backup of the existing EventLog Analyzer MySQL database by creating a ZIP file of the contents of <EventLog Analyzer Home> /mysql directory and save it as mysql_backup.zip in the <EventLog Analyzer Home> directory.


  3. For MS SQL database:

    Find the current location of the data file and log file for the database eventlog by using the following commands:


    use eventlog

    Detach the database by using the following commands:
    use master
    sp_detach_db 'eventlog'

    Backup the data file and log file from the current location (<MSSQL Home>/data/eventlog.mdf and <MSSQL Home>/data/eventlog_log.LDF) to the new location (<New location>/eventlog.mdf and <New Location>/eventlog_log.LDF).
    Re-attach the database and point to the old location by using the following commands:

    use master
    sp_attach_db 'eventlog' , '<MSSQL Home>/data/eventlog.mdf' , '<MSSQL Home>/data/eventlog_log.LDF'

Step 3: Start the ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer Update Manager

  1. Windows:
    Ensure that you run UpdateManager.bat present in the <EventLog Analyzer Home>/bin directory in command window with Administrator privileges. For version 8000 and above, to get the Administrator privileges, execute RunAsAdmin.exe file and run UpdateManager.bat in the same command window. Alternatively, right click on the Command Prompt windows with 'Run as Administrator'. [View Screenshot]

  2. Linux:
    Execute UpdateManager.sh -c file present in the <EventLog Analyzer Home>/bin directory

Step 4: Install the Service Pack

  1. Click 'Browse' button to select the Upgrade Pack file (the .ppm file that you have downloaded) and choose 'Install'
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to apply the Service/Upgrade Pack and exist the upgrade manager, soon the upgrade process is complete


  • Do not interrupt during the upgrade process.
  • Do not downgrade/revert to lesser version under any circumstances.
  • In case of failure, contact EventLog Analyzer Support

Step 5: Start the EventLog Analyzer server/service

Important Instructions if you are applying more than one service pack:
  1. Remember, if you are applying more than one service pack, you have to follow the above instructions for applying each service pack. For instance, if you are on build 8010 and have to move to 8063, here is how you should go about it. Follow steps 1 to 6 to upgrade to build 8050.
  2. Ensure you start EventLog Analyzer after this upgrade. Ensure the data is in tact and again stop EventLog Analyzer and follow steps 1 to 6 to move to build 8063.
  3. After each upgrade check whether your data is intact in the web client. If you don't have any issues, follow the above steps for applying the other service packs.
  4. If you find any issues, do not continue applying the other service pack and contact EventLog Analyzer Support


Only for Non-English of Build 8000 version upgrade:
Add the below lines
in 'server.xml' file available under <EventLog Analyzer Home>/server/default/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat50.sar folder

Post Migration Check

Clear the web browser cache before trying to access the web client.

How do I find out my Build number?

Log in to the EventLog Analyzer web client, and click Help > About link in the top pane. You will find the build number mentioned below the build version. This is the build number of the currently installed EventLog Analyzer.

Need Help?

You can contact EventLog Analyzer Support at any time for assistance to upgrade EventLog Analyzer to the latest version.

