This package can be used to develop SNMP management applications
to manage SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3 agents and talk to agent
systems using any of the three versions at the same time.
The product is developed in Java and therefore it is platform
independent. You can use the product in any operating system
with the JDK port of that particular OS. On our part, we have
tested the product in the following platforms.
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows 2000
Windows NT
RedHat Linux 6.x
RedHat Linux 7.x
RedHat Linux 8.x
RedHat Enterprise Linux 4
Solaris 7
Solaris 8
Solaris 9
Solaris 10
The JDK versions supported are 1.2 and above. However MibBrowser
will work only with JDK 1.2.2 and above.
WebNMS SNMP API distribution consists of the following.
SNMP API - a set of class libraries in Java to build SNMP
management applications.
The product distribution also includes various example applications
and applets. It provides a hierarchy of Java packages for
SNMP, MIBs, beans, UI/Swing, RMI, CORBA, and EJB, which helps
in developing various non-UI and UI applications. The com.adventnet.snmp.ui
package provides a number of useful Bean components that can
be used in developing management GUI applications. The MibBrowser
application is one such application that is developed using
this API library.
5. What do I need to start developing applications
and applets in Java using this package?
You need the Java Developers Kit (JDK-1.1.6 and above) to
develop applications and applets using this WebNMS SNMP
package. In addition, you need to download and setup the WebNMS
SNMP package classes.
JDK is available on a number of platforms, including Solaris,
Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, MacOS, HP-UX,
Linux, AIX, and OS/2 from different sources. You can also
use one of the Java development tools, such as Symantec Cafe,
JBuilder, MS Visual J++, etc. which provides the JDK functionality.
7. How do I run the various example applications
The product distribution includes various example applications
in the following directories:
examples/applications/ - contains examples which uses
beans package
examples/uiapplications/ - contains examples which uses
ui package
examples/low_level_api_examples/snmpapps/ - contains
examples which uses snmp2 package
examples/low_level_api_examples/mibapps/ - contains examples
which uses mibs package
examples/sasapps/ - contains examples which uses sas
examples/httpapps/ - contains examples which uses HTTP
examples/rmiclient/ - contains examples which uses rmi
examples/corbaclient/ - contains examples which uses
corba package
examples/ejbclient/ - contains examples which uses EJB
Examples include applications like snmpget (to get one or
more SNMP variables), snmpgetnext (to do a getnext on one
more SNMP variables). Multiple versions of these applications
are available in the different directories. You can use them
to query for information from the SNMP agents available on
your network. All the applications that are used to query
an agent have almost identical syntax. As a general rule,
all the command line tools will give help information when
you just type
java <command-name>
For example, to get help information on the command snmpgetnext,
just type
java snmpgetnext
To compile or execute the application you have to set the
classpath to the current directory and the classes directory.
You have to run setenv.bat or (depending on the
operating system environment you use) to set the JAVA_HOME
and CLASSPATH environment variables.
8. I am able to execute the example applications
but I am not getting any results. What should I do?
If you get a timeout error after executing the application,
the remote host given by you might not have an SNMP agent
running on it. The agent should be running on the system on
which you are querying. Therefore, install an SNMP agent in
the machine or try on some other host which has the SNMP agent.
Your network administrator might know more about this. In
general, routers, ethernet switches, and network printers
have the SNMP agent. You can try querying these devices.
9. How do I view and use the various example
You need a Java-enabled web browser, such as Netscape Navigator
or Internet Explorer or the JDK appletviewer. Sun's Java plug-in
is required to test/view the applets which use swing or JFC
components. The standard Netscape 4.x or IE 4.x browsers do
not support JFC classes. Applets which do not use swing components
can be tested using standard web browsers.
10. Why does the applets fail to work in
my browsers?
If you want to load the Java classes and applet HTML file
locally from your own file system, you need to invoke your
web browser with your CLASSPATH set. Otherwise, the applet
fails. The applet has to be loaded from the code base in your
HTML file and this code base directory should be in the CLASSPATH.
If you want to load the classes over the network, Netscape
Navigator and Internet Explorer do not allow any communication
except to the host from where you have loaded your applet.
In order to get this to work, you need to use the SNMP Applet
Server (SAS) on your applet host (web server) or use HTTP