The TL1 Message Builder is used to create and modify
TL1 Command Set and Data Set definitions in the XML
format. The TL1 Data Set definition file will have possible
values for each command defined in TCS. The Command
Code in the input message is the indication of what
operation is being done.The TL1MessageBuilder has an
easy-to-use wizard through which the TL1 Command Set
and TL1 Data Set can easily be created or modified.
These TCS file are used as input files to generate and
manage the TL1 agent.
Key Features and Benefits
Creates command set and data set files
Provides the TCS file which serves as the source for
generating the code of TL1 agent.
Creates both input and autonomous messages
Input message displays the response from the agent
and the autonomous messages show the notifications,
if any, from the agent.