Known issues related to JDK 1.3 in RedHatLinux
: When we do a session.close() in the application, the socket
is not closed properly and the session is still alive. More
Information on this issue can be seen in the Java Developer.
Connection with the Bug ID : 4344135.
In TL1 Compiler, the tools that are present in
the Components bar/Tools Menu cannot be invoked from the
Compiler, if you have started the the TL1 Compiler
from the launcher
Modification : While modifying a MIB in the MIB Editor
the following construct is not allowed for modification
SMI version differences: Syntax list contains syntaxes
corresponding to SMI version, for defining scalars and Tables.
In the syntax list, basic syntaxes and well known TCs are
alone differentiated based on the SMI version. You have
to take care of SMI version for all other imported TCs.
DefaultValue : The validation is done for all basic syntaxes
as per the format. If you use TCs , then the format of the
parent's default value will be considered for validation.
In case of OBJECT IDENTIFIER , number format is only accepted
as default value. You can't give an identifier as a default
value for object which has syntax as an OBJECT IDENTIFIER.
MIB Editor doesn't allow to create more than one MIBMODULE
in a single MIB file. But you can load and modify the MIB
files which contains more than one MIBMODULE.
Hyphens in node names does not create any problem during
conversion of a v1 MIB to a v2 MIB. When the SNMPv1 MIB
having node names with hyphens is converted to an SNMPv2
MIB the hyphens are taken as such . It is not necessary
to make any modification in the node name as specified in
the standards.
The "OPTIONAL" status in SNMPv1 MIB becomes CURRENT when
the V1 MIB is converted to a V2 MIB.
The Units sub-clause information required for MIBs is
not supported by the MIB Editor of WebNMS AgentToolkit.
When an Agent started from the JMX Compiler is stopped
from the compiler user interface, some of the ports may
not be cleaned. (This issue is specific to Linux OS.)
The tools that are present in the Components bar/Tools
Menu cannot be invoked from the JMX Compiler, if you
have started the the JMX Compiler from the launcher.
In Linux OS , with JDK1.2.2, the HTML adaptor will not
be cleaned up. In JDK1.3 the TL1 Adaptor Server socket session
will not be closed and the HTTP port will not be cleaned
The tools that are present in the Components bar/Tools
Menu cannot be invoked from the MIB Compiler, if
you have started the the MIB Compiler from the launcher.