The WebNMS CLI Browser is a GUI-based craft interface
for managing CLI network devices. It is based on a command
template that is used to generate CLI commands. It can also
be used to execute scripts, terminal transformation etc. Its
customizable functionalities enable simplified communication
with network devices such as routers, switches, remote machines
etc. CLI Browser makes WebNMS CLI API more versatile and
Key Features of CLI Browser
Some of the key features of the CLI Browser are:
Support for device connection through Telnet and Serial
(RS232): Remote devices can be connected using Telnet.
Devices that do not support telnet can be connected using
a serial cable such as RS232 at a proximate distance and
the browser can be used to communicate with them.
Support for loading XML-driven Command Set: The
command set can be used to define a set of commands to be
executed on a device. The browser can be used to load all
the commands from the XML, which allows user applications
to execute them on the device with ease.
Support for launching Python and BeanShell scripts:
Scripts are written to simplify the complex CLI Device configuration
tasks. The browser supports launching the scripts written
using Python and BeanShell scripting language.
Support for using Terminal transformation: For
converting the input/output from one type of terminal to
another. For instance, if the terminal type of remote host
is VT100 and that of the local terminal is IBM, the output
from the remote host can be transformed to IBM codes using
this feature.
Support for setting multiple prompt action: This
feature can be used with commands that return few intermediate
prompts (such as "--More--") other than the final
shell prompt. The possible prompts that the command is likely
to return and the further command to be sent on receiving
the prompt can be set. On enabling this, the whole response
for the command can be obtained in one run.
Support for special characters: Special characters
like control characters can be sent to the device for aborting
a partially executed command. For example when an executed
configuration task hangs, Ctrl+C can be used to exit from
the operation.