字段及表单规则 - 支持的JavaScript函数


默认情况下,脚本语言为 JavaScript, 我们已经为您添加了jQuery 和 $CS(在全局范围内均可用),因此,允许用户使用  jQuery (v 1.8.3) 和 $CS 库进行编程。 (注意: 使用jQuery访问元素时,不支持 $ 符号)。


$CS 库中可用的Javascript函数

  1. var statusId=$CS.getValue("STATUS"); 

  2. var subject= $CS.getValue("SUBJECT");

  3. var created_date=$CS.getValue("CREATEDDATE");  //This will return a JavaScript Date Object

  4. var additional_hardware=$CS.getValue("RES_3_QUS_3"); //For checkbox type resource fields returns an array of selected resources

  1. $CS.setValue("STATUS","1"); 

  2. $CS.setValue("SUBJECT","test request"); 

  3. $CS.setValue("UDF_DATE1", new Date());

  4. $CS.setValue("RES_3_QUS_3", ["CD RW", "External Harddisk" , "Optical Mouse"]); //Will remove existing selected resources and add this resources for checkbox type resource fields.


  1. var status=$CS.getText("STATUS");


  1. $CS.setText("STATUS","Open");


  1. $CS.addOptions("STATUS",["Open","Closed"]);


  1. $CS.removeOptions("STATUS",["Open","Closed"]);


  1. $CS.removeAllOptions(["STATUS"]);   // If all options of status field is removed, new request creation will not work. Since every request should have a status.

  2. $CS.removeAllOptions(["STATUS","PRIORITY"]); 


  1. $CS.enableField(["LEVEL","PRIORITY","URGENCY"]); 


  1. $CS.disableField(["LEVEL","PRIORITY","URGENCY"]); 


  1. $CS.hideField(["LEVEL","PRIORITY","URGENCY"]); 


  1. $CS.showField(["LEVEL","PRIORITY","URGENCY"]); 


  1. $CS.mandateField(["LEVEL","PRIORITY","URGENCY"]); 


  1. $CS.nonMandateField(["LEVEL","PRIORITY","URGENCY"]); 


  1. var status=$CS.getText("STATUS");

  2. if(status==="Closed")

  3. {

  4. $CS.stopFormSubmission();

  5. }




  1. $CS.hasRole("SDAdmin");


  1. var userId=$CS.getLoggedInUserId();


  1. var userName= $CS.getLoggedInUserName();


  1. $CS.setFieldDependency(dependencyObject);


  1. $CS.setTasks(["templateTask1","templateTask2","templateTask3"]);


  1. $CS.unSetTasks(["templateTask1","templateTask2","templateTask3"]);


  1. $CS.setDescription("Application crashes / hangs frequently in user environment causing instability for the system.");



  1. var descriptionContent=$CS.getDescription();


  1. $CS.disableOptions("STATUS",["Open","Closed"]);


  1. $CS.enableOptions("STATUS",["Open","Closed"]);


  1. var isPriorityFieldVisiable=$CS.isVisible("PRIORITY");


  1. $CS.isEnabled("PRIORITY");


  1. $CS.isMandated("PRIORITY");




Caught following exception in executing field & form rules script execution of rule:[ Rule name ] at line number: [ line number ] and column:[ column number ] --> Error Message


Caught following exception in executing field & form rules script execution of rule:[ check for open request ] at line number: [ 2 ] and column: [ 8 ] --> Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token = .

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