


Wipro Infotech

Tropical Shipping


The typical Company of today

在当前经济快速增长的环境下,In today's fast paced economic setting, companies - be it in the manufacturing domain /  are finding it increasingly important to be nimble.What better way to transform a large mammoth organization to a lean and agile unit than by IT ? Especially with the coming of internet as a principal form of communication and business engagement, companies have been able to cut the costs associated with travel and document transfer. Companies today rely on their corporate network for things as simple as sending payslip statement to conducting remote business meetings over the web. Especially powerful Supply chain management solutions, which are reliant on the internet, make it possible for inventory replenishing in real-time.



在这样的背景之下,保持网络持续正常显得十分重要Against this backdrop, the importance of having the WAN network up and running becomes critical. 作为一个网络管理员,您不得不确保公司员工和客户在他们需要的任何时间都能够访问(链接/博客/网络广播),并且总体带宽消耗不要超出限制,避免网络瘫痪。所以您需要设置阈值,当出现任何违规时触发告警,以便您实时的监控网络活动。

Also a tab on any unwarranted access to unnecessary/objectionable content can be easily had. This in a big way free-up your network for more vital activities. To Illustrate: Blocking all access to downloading music/video content off the web could result in a substantial bandwidth saving for someone wanting to setup a video conferencing session with the client.



他们希望能够查看数据flow明细,避免在进行数据迁移时停电。此外,他们并不清楚带宽的使用情况。所以,他们需要一个报表系统,能够让他们知道WAN连接带宽利用率明细,以及容量规划的聚合节点,对于主机的流量分析,以及So they wanted a reporting system that would let them know the bandwidth usage details on WAN connections as well as at the aggregation points for capacity planning and traffic analysis at per host and per application granularity.每个应用程序的粒度

网络监控工具NetFlow Analyzer

Cisco NetFlow技术使您能够获取更多关于网络健康状况的各种有价值的重要信息,而不必进行额外的开支。ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer通过处理从Cisco路由器和交换机导出的NetFlow数据,分析并产生重要参数报表,如遍历排行,消耗最大带宽的应用程序,是否存在网络攻击和恶意的访问尝试等。

有了这些信息,就可以在违法阈值时积极主动的触发告警,在您的企业网络中部署NetFlow Analyzer,一定会为您减轻负担,使您可以轻松放心的工作,一定会的!

阅读 : 案例研究 (PDF)