How to Implement SNMP Proxy using SNMP Agent Toolkit C Edition
In original model of SNMP Management, it is a monolithic Agent that
used to carry out all the management responsibilities on a given
network element (node). This solution was not flexible enough to
provide an effective management of increasingly complex and distributed
systems. In addition to the Agents typically provided by computer
manufacturers for hardware and operating system information, other
software vendors for SQL, Application servers, etc, also produce
Also in distributed systems where different components of the product
will be present in different network nodes (different IP address),
each component needs its own management requirement for which each
component will have an SNMP Agent. However, there should be a single
gateway for managing the entire product (distributed components).
This disadvantage of the original SNMP model, being unable to accommodate
such complex and heterogeneous systems, is solved using Master -
sub-agent concept where the Master Agent acts as a proxy for other
SNMP Agents. WebNMS Agent Toolkit provides generic comprehensive
Master sub-agent architecture for making Agents sub-agent to Master
Agent on the fly. This dynamic behavior can be accomplished by the
"Dynamic Registration concept in Master sub-agent Architecture".
SNMP Master Agent
The Master Agent is an entity or process on a managed node that
exchanges SNMP messages with the Management applications, such as
WebNMS FrameWork, HP Openview, IBM Tivoli, etc. It acts as a primary
interface between the Network Manager and sub-agents.
SNMP Sub-Agent
Sub-agents are processes that access the management information
and provide manageability to various applications/components within
a system. These sub-agents interact with the Master Agent using
Creating Master Agent
All the SNMP Agents generated using Agent Compiler can act as both
Master Agent and sub-agent. By default, the generated Agent acts
as a standalone monolithic Agent
Creating Sub-Agent
All the SNMP Agents generated using Agent Compiler can act as both
Master Agent and sub-agent. By default, the generated Agent can
directly act as a sub-agent. There is no specific option to make
an Agent act as a sub-agent. Any SNMP Agent can act as a sub-agent.
Sub-agent's particular host and port number are to be registered
in the Master Agent. So, create a simple Agent using a MIB (from
which you prefer to access the details) and make it act as a sub-agent.
Registering Sub-Agents in the Master Agent
The Master Agent maintains the proxy table, which is used to store
sub-agents information. Each entry/row in this table refers to one
sub-agent. Each row has one sub-agent's information, such as OID,
context name, instance value, ipaddress, port number, community,
version, timeout, retries, etc. Adding an entry to this table means
we are registering one sub-agent in the master agent.
Types of Master - Sub-Agent Relationship
Considering the design and the complexity of the distributed systems,
it is very difficult to have just normal OID-based Master - sub-agent
relationship. This made us evolve the Master - sub-agent relationship
further and made us support different types of Master - Sub-agent
relationship, such as Context-based registration and Instance-based
The registration of a Sub-Agent in the Proxy Agent/Master Agent
follows three different approaches. The user can follow any of these
approaches or a combination of these to register the sub-agent with
the Proxy Agent.
Registration based on OID
Registration based on Context Names
Registration based on Table Instance
Registration Based on OID
This approach can be followed when each sub-agent implements
a unique OID, In this case, the Master Agent identifies the
sub-agent based on the OIDs they implement. The sub-agent information
is stored in the Proxy Table.
Registration Based on Context Name
This approach is followed when more than one sub-agent implements
the same MIB or same sub-tree of a MIB. In this case, the Master
Agent identifies the sub-agent based on the context name provided
for the Subagent. The sub-agent information is stored in the
Proxy Table.
The default entry generated by the agent in the Proxy Table
has the context name as "default". The proxy agent
will not consider the column "context name" if its
value is "default". The user has to provide different
context name for each sub-agent, so that the proxy agent can
identify such sub-agent based on the context names.
If the master agent is SNMP v1/v2c, the context name is the
community string of the SNMP request. The default community
strings are "public" and "private". If the
user wants to provide any other name other than public/private
in the proxy table, those context names must also be registered
as community in the projects/ ProjectName/ agent/ bin/ conf/
snmp/ authtable.txt.
If the master agent is SNMP v3, the context name is the Context
Engine ID of the SNMP request.
Registration Based on SNMP Table Instance Value
This approach is followed when more than one sub-agent implements
the same SNMP Table Entry OID with different instance of the
Table. In this case, the Master Agent identifies the sub-agent
based on the table instance value provided for the Sub-Agent.
The sub-agent information is stored in the Proxy Table.
The default entry generated by the agent in the Proxy Table
has the table instance value as ".0.0". The proxy
agent will not consider the column "Instance value"
if its value is "0.0". The user has to populate the
proxy table with different instance values for each sub-agent,
so that the proxy agent can identify such sub-agent based on
the SNMP table instance value.
Knowing the Status of the sub-agent (Heart Beat Mechanism)
As the name implies, Heart Beat Mechanism is helpful to determine
the existence of a connection between Master - sub-agent. This feature
is implemented to constantly monitor the status of the sub-agent
and make it available to the Master Agent.
By knowing the status, the Master Agent does not forward the request
to sub-agents, which are not alive. Instead, the Master Agent throws
a 'general failure' error directly to the Manager.
Sending Traps From Sub-Agent
The sub-agent can send Traps to the Manager in two ways,
Sending Traps to the Manager directly.
Sending Traps through the Master Agent after filtering it.
Sending Traps to the Manager Directly
Each sub-agent can send traps or notifications directly to
the Manager. In this model, sub-agents can also send traps /
notifications to different set of Managers. For this, each sub-agent
should maintain a trap forwarding table that stores manager’s
information. If a Manager is ready to listen to all the traps,
then each sub-agent's trap forwarding table must be updated.
To add an entry or register manager information in trap forwarding
table, please refer to the topic Adding entries to Trap Forwarding
Table in Sending Trap, Notifications, and Informs section.
Sending Traps through the Master Agent after Filtering
Sub-agents generate Traps and send them through the Master
Agent. Even though Traps can be sent directly to the Manager
from the sub-agent, normally the traps are forwarded to the
Master Agent. The Master Agent forwards them to the interested
Managers. Details of Managers to whom the Master Agent should
send Traps can be availed from the Trap Forwarding Table.
Filtering Traps Received from sub-agent Using Trap Receiver
The Master Agent has one module called the trap receiver. The main
functionality of this module is to listen for traps from sub-agents,
filter them and forward them to all the Managers. It maintains a
table called the Trap Receiver Table, which has a set of sub-agents
information, which can send traps to the Managers through Master
Agent. The sub-agent registrations in the Trap Receiver Table purely
depend on your requirement. You can either include all the sub-agent
details present in the Master Agent (proxyTable) or a particular
set of sub-agents from which you prefer to receive Traps. Using
this implementation the Master Agent restricts the access of the
sub-agents to send Traps to the Master Agent. It is a sort of filtering.
Configuring SNMP V3 in Proxy
WebNMS SNMP Agent also supports Proxy Concept in SNMPV3. Mostly,
the Master and sub-agents run in a private network and only the
communication between a Manager and the Master Agent takes place
in a public network. Hence, the Agents running in a private network
may not require SNMP V3, as they would be well secured.
Having this in mind, WebNMS's implementation provides only
v1/v2c support to sub-agents. Even if the Manager sends a request
of V3 type, the Master Agent being a V3 Agent would convert the
V3 request to a V1/V2c Request and forward the PDU to the sub-agents.
The V1/V2c Response would be further converted to a V3 response
and sent back to the Manager.
Configuring WebNMS Agents as sub-agents to Third-Party
Agents (including OS Native agents)
Because the Master - sub-agent communication uses SNMP PDU, any
Agent that understands SNMP can be made as sub-agent to WebNMS
Master Agent. Even the Native Agents can be made as sub-agent to
WebNMS Master Agent. WebNMS Agents can also be made as sub-agents
to Third-Party Agents / Native Agents. This helps to derive the
data of the OS you prefer. The supported OS by WebNMS are Windows
and Solaris.