Desktop Central supports a wide range of application-formats that can be installed using the Software Deplyment feature in Desktop Central. This document provides information about the type of application extensions that can be installed and the silent switches that are used while installing each of them.
The table below provides information about the application extensions that can be installed using Desktop Central and the installation commands tha you would use in each case.
Application Formats and Extensions | Installation Command |
.exe files | Enter the complete path to the executable file with the application specific silent switches. For example, \\share\IE8\ IE8-WindowsServer2003-x86-ENU.exe. /quiet /passive /update-no /norestart |
.msi files | Enter the complete path to the .msi file. You need not specify the silent switches for .msi files; they are added automatically by Desktop Central. For example, \\share\skype\skype.msi. |
Batch files: .cmd, .bat | Enter the complete path to the batch file. For example, \\share\scripts\installitunes.bat |
InstallShield Setup Parameters or Answer files: .iss | For example, \\share-server\Software\winvnc\Setup.exe /s /f1"\\share-server\software\Winvnc\silentinstall.iss" For more details about creating and using .iss files, see How to use .iss files while deploying software applications? |
VbScript files: .vbs (applicable to .vb, .js, .jse, .vbe, .vbs, .wsf, .wsc and .wsh files) | Specify the path to the vbscript engine to which the script is passed as an argument. For example: %windir%\system32\cscript.exe "checkIE8Installed.vbs". |
Windows Installer Patch files: .msp | Specify the path to mixexec to which the .msp file is passed as the argument along with its silent switches. For example, %windir%\system32\msiexec.exe /update "\\share\xyz.msp" /qn |
Windows Patch files (for Windows Vista and later versions) | For example, wusa.exe "\\server\sharename\Windows6.0-KB934307-x86.msu" /quiet /norestart |
AutoIt scripts (.au3) | Specify the AutoIt executable to which the auto it script is passed as an argument. For example, AutoIt3A.exe "<script-name.au3>" For details on using AutoIt to automate software installation, refer to this article. |
.dll and .ocx files | Use regsvr32.exe to deploy .dll and .ocx files.
RegSvr32.exe has the following command-line options: /u - Unregister server For example, regsvr32 /u /s msbind.dll and regsvr32 /u /s mswinsck.ocx. |