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Software Deployment - How To's

1. How to create an MSI Package?

  1. Select the Software Deployment tab to open the Software Repository details.
  2. Select the MSI tab and specify the following details:
    1. Package Name: Name of the Software Package
    2. Select the path type: Select any of the following:
      • Network Path: If the software has to be installed in computers in the same LAN, select this option
      • HTTP Path: If the software has to be installed in computers in branch offices over the VPN tunnel or internet, select this option
    3. Add Files to Upload: When you select the HTTP Mode, you need to browse and select the installables, which will be uploaded to the Desktop Central Server
    4. MSI File Name with network path: When you select the Network Path option, specify the name of the MSI file with its complete network path. This path should have all the related files and should have necessary read & execute permissions.
    5. MSI Root Path (optional): When you choose to copy the installables to individual computers before installing the software, you need to specify the directory to be copied.
    6. MST file name with Network path (optional): For applications that supports customizations prior to installation, you can customize the installation and specify it here.
    7. Install Arguments to MSI (optional): Application specific installation parameters can be specified here. For example, for skype, you can specify parameters like installlevel=10. This field can be left blank, if you do not have any application specific arguments.
    8. Uninstall Arguments to MSI (optional): Application specific installation parameters can be specified here. For example, REBOOT=ReallySuppress
    9. Manufacturer: Name of the software vendor
    10. Version: The software version
    11. Language: The software language version
    12. Package Description: Description of the software package
    13. Pre Installation Command: Specify the commands or scripts that has to be executed before installing the software.
    14. Arguments: Specify the parameters for the pre-installation script, if any
    15. Continue installation if the exit code is: Select this option and specify the exit code to check for successful pre-installation process before proceeding with the software installation
    16. Post Installation Command: Specify the commands or scripts that has to be executed after installing the software.
    17. Arguments: Specify the parameters for the post-installation script, if any.
    18. Successful if the Exit Code is: Select this option and specify the exit code to verify whether post installation has been successful.
    19. Pre Uninstallation Command: Specify the commands or scripts that has to be executed before uninstalling the software.
    20. Arguments: Specify the parameters for the pre-uninstallation script, if any
    21. Continue uninstallation if the exit code is: Select this option and specify the exit code to check for successful pre-uninstallation process before uninstalling of the software.
    22. Post Uninstallation Command: Specify the commands or scripts that has to be executed after uninstalling the software.
    23. Arguments: Specify the parameters for the post-uninstallation script, if any.
    24. Successful if the Exit Code is: Select this option and specify the exit code to verify whether post uninstallation has been successful.
  3. Click Add Package.


2. How to add an EXE package?

  1. Select the Software Deployment tab to open the Software Repository details.
  2. Select the Package type as MsiExec/EXE/ISS/Command and specify the following details:
    1. Package Name: Name of the Software Package
    2. Select the path type: Select any of the following:
      • Network Path: If the software has to be installed in computers in the same LAN, select this option
      • HTTP Path: If the software has to be installed in computers in branch offices over the VPN tunnel or internet, select this option
    3. Add Files to Upload: When you select the HTTP Mode, you need to browse and select the installables, which will be uploaded to the Desktop Central Server.
    4. Installation Command with switches/arguments: Specify the command to be executed in the client computers for installing the application. The command specified here will be "as such" executed in all the client computers. Make sure that the path to the executables specified in the command is relative to the EXE Root Directory specified above.
    5. Uninstallation Command with switches/arguments: Specify the command to be executed in the client computers for uninstalling the application. The command specified here will be "as such" executed in all the client computers. Make sure that the path to the executables specified in the command is relative to the EXE Root Directory specified above.
    6. EXE Root Path (optional): When you select the Network Path option, specify the shared directory from where all the commands will be executed. This directory should have access to all the executables that are required to install the application.
    7. Manufacturer: Name of the software vendor
    8. Version: The software version
    9. Language: The software language version
    10. Package Description: Description of the software package
    11. Pre Installation Command: Specify the commands or scripts that has to be executed before installing the software.
    12. Arguments: Specify the parameters for the pre-installation script, if any
    13. Continue installation if the exit code is: Select this option and specify the exit code to check for successful pre-installation process before proceeding with the software installation
    14. Post Installation Command: Specify the commands or scripts that has to be executed after installing the software.
    15. Arguments: Specify the parameters for the post-installation script, if any.
    16. Successful if the Exit Code is: Select this option and specify the exit code to verify whether post installation has been successful.
    17. Pre Uninstallation Command: Specify the commands or scripts that has to be executed before uninstalling the software.
    18. Arguments: Specify the parameters for the pre-uninstallation script, if any
    19. Continue uninstallation if the exit code is: Select this option and specify the exit code to check for successful pre-uninstallation process before uninstalling of the software.
    20. Post Uninstallation Command: Specify the commands or scripts that has to be executed after uninstalling the software.
    21. Arguments: Specify the parameters for the post-uninstallation script, if any.
    22. Successful if the Exit Code is: Select this option and specify the exit code to verify whether post uninstallation has been successful.
  3. Click Add Package.


3. How to execute the pre-installation and post installation script while installing the legacy applications?

  1. Create an EXE Package.
  2. Specify the Pre-installation and Post installation scripts while creating the package. Ensure the following:
    1. The scripting engine should also be specified in the Script/Command field. For example, if you are specifying a vb script, say test.vbs, you should specify like this: $SystemDrive\Windows\cscript \\dc-win2k1\scripts\test.vbs. In this case the cscript should be in the same location in all the client computers. Alternatively, you can also specify the engine path in a network share like: \\dc-win2k1\Windows\cscript \\dc-win2k1\scripts\test.vbs
    2. When you select the Copy option while defining the Install Software Configuraion, the following needs to be taken care:
      1. When selecting None: the script file should be in the network share.
      2. When selecting Copy file to client machines: the script should be in the network share.
      3. When selecting Copy folder to client machines: The script should be in the same directory or sub-directory as that of the installation file and the path specified should be relative path from that directory.
    3. When using absolute path, use the dynamic variables instead of specifying the path directly. For example, for c: use $SystemDrive.
  3. Define an Install Software Configuration by specifying the required options.
  4. Select the Computers to which the software needs to be deployed and click Deploy.


4. How to execute the pre-installation and post installation script while installing the MSI Package?

  1. Create an MSI Package.
  2. Specify the Pre-installation and Post installation scripts while creating the package. Ensure the following:
    1. The scripting engine should also be specified in the Script/Command field. For example, if you are specifying a vb script, say test.vbs, you should specify like this: $SystemDrive\Windows\cscript \\dc-win2k1\scripts\test.vbs. In this case the cscript should be in the same location in all the client computers. Alternatively, you can also specify the engine path in a network share like: \\dc-win2k1\Windows\cscript \\dc-win2k1\scripts\test.vbs
    2. When you select the Copy option while defining the Install Software Configuraion, the following needs to be taken care:
      1. When selecting None: the script file should be in the network share.
      2. When selecting Copy file to client machines: the script should be in the network share.
      3. When selecting Copy folder to client machines: The script should be in the same directory or sub-directory as that of the installation file and the path specified should be relative path from that directory.
    3. When using absolute path, use the dynamic variables instead of specifying the path directly. For example, for c: use $SystemDrive.
  3. Define an Install Software Configuration by specifying the required options.
  4. Select the Computers to which the software needs to be deployed and click Deploy.


5. How to uninstall the legacy applications?

  1. Create an EXE Package.
  2. In the Uninstallation options, you should specify the EXE that performs the uninstallation of the software.
  3. Define an Install Software configuration for an User or Computer as the case may be and choose the appropriate package and the Operation Type as "Remove".
  4. Select the target users or computers and deploy the configuration.


6. How to uninstall the Windows Installer Application?

  1. Create an MSI Package.
  2. Define an Install Software configuration for an User or a Computer as the case may be and choose the appropriate package and the Operation Type as "Remove".
  3. Select the target users or computers and deploy the configuration.


7. How to use ISS files in deploying Software?

EXE files created using InstallShield can be installed silently by creating ISS files (answer files). Deploying InstallShield EXE files silently has two parts:

  1. Recording the inputs in n file (ISS) using a single computer
  2. Using the ISS file created in step 1 to install the software using Desktop Central on multiple computers

Note: The example shown in the steps is for installing VNC. The same method can be followed for any InstallShield Setup.exe files.

Step I - Recording the inputs in a file (ISS) using a single computer

  • Goto Command (Start -> Run -> cmd) prompt .
  • Navigate to the folder (ex.C:\software\Winvnc)
  • Type in C:\software\Winvnc\Setup.exe /r /f1”c:\software\Winvnc\silentinstall.iss”
  • You'll be asked for inputs on confirmation , installation directory. etc., (make sure you provide details which can be commonly used on other computers also).
  • Once the installation is over, check the c:\software\Winvnc\ folder for silentinstall.iss

Step II - Using the ISS file to install the software in multiple computers

  • From the Software Deployment page, goto EXE
  • Configure the 'Installation Command with Switches/Arguments' \\share-server\Software\winvnc\Setup.exe /s /f1"\\ share-server \software\Winvnc\silentinstall.iss"
  • Specify the root directory as \\ share-server \Software\winvnc
  • Now create configuration and install the software


8. How to specify the windows installer properties to the deployed msi package?

Desktop Central automatically puts in the default installer options that are required to install an application. For example, if you are installing IE7, just create a package by selecting the appropriate msi. In the "Arguments to MSI", specify the arguments of the msi. Leave this field blank, if your MSI does not require any arguments.


9. How to specify the command line parameters while deploying the legacy applications?

Desktop Central automatically puts in the default installation options that are required to install an application. For example, if you are installing ExcelViewer, just create a package by selecting the appropriate exe file. In the "Arguments to EXE", specify the arguments of the exe. Leave this field blank, if the EXE does not require any arguments.


10. How to uninstall IE7 from the client machines?

  1. Create an EXE Package.
  2. In the Uninstallation Options, you should specify "$WinDir\ie7\spuninst\spuninst.exe /q" in Application Uninstaller with Arguments field.
  3. Define an Install Software configuration for an User or Computer as the case may be and choose the appropriate package and the Operation Type as "Remove".
  4. Select the target users or computers and deploy the configuration.


11. How to install Office XP Service Packs?

Step I : Download, Extract and share the Office XP SP3 install files

  1. Download the Office XP Service Pack 3 client install patch from the below given URL
  2. Extract the file contents and share the folder (you can extract it using Winrar or alternatively use a /C switch)
    • OfficeXpSp3-kb832671-client-enu.exe /c /t:c:\officexpsp3 is the switch to extract the files
      • hotfix.exe, ohotfix.ini, ohotfixr.dll and VSDEBUGop.msp would be the files
    • where /t:c:\officexpsp3 - is the location of the office XP SP3 extracted files
    • Please remember this needs to be a ’shared folder’ for every client computer to access
  3. In the ohotfix.ini set the following for the installation to happen in silent mode
    • OHotfixUILevel=q
    • MsiUILevel=q
    • RebootInQuietMode=0
    • ShowSuccessDialog=0

Step II : Copy and Share the Office XP Source Files and Create a reg file

  1. Copy the entire Office XP CD contents to a shared folder
    • For example ‘c:\officexp’
    • Please remember this needs to be a ’shared folder’ for every client computer to access
  2. In registry write the Office XP source folder location
    • In the given key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Classes \Installer\ Products\ 9040211900063D11C8EF00054038389C\ SourceList
      • ‘9040211900063D11C8EF00054038389C’ is the Product ID of the Office XP Standard version
      • Create a ‘Net’ subkey and create a ‘REG_EXPAND_SZ’ key with Value name as ‘1′ and data/expression as ‘\\server\officexp‘
    • On the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\<Product ID>\SourceList
      • Set the ‘LastUsedSource’ value data as ‘n;1;‘\\server\officexp‘
  3. Now right click the SourceList (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Classes\ Installer\ Products\ <Product ID>\ SourceList) and export as a reg file eg. sourcelist.reg
  4. Copy the created reg file in the Office XP shared location i.e. ‘c:\officexp\sourcelist.reg’

Step III : Use Software installation to deploy the Office XP SP3

  1. Configure the Software package
    • In the pre-install script give the reg.exe and the exported reg file with the import option as shown below
      • reg.exe import \\server\officexp\sourecelist.reg
  2. In the installation command give the oHotfix.exe file from the office XP SP3 shared folder
    • in the example \\server\officexpsp3\oHotfix.exe
    • and the same folder in advanced options - exe root path \\server\officexpsp3
  3. Now deploy the Office XP SP3 installation

