• 网络与数据中心管理
  • 服务器与应用性能管理
  • IT服务管理
  • Windows AD域管理
  • 终端管理
  • IT安全
  • MSP
  • IT运维平台

Inventory Management - How To's

1. How to setup Inventory Scanning?

  1. Define the Scope of Management to include the computers that you wish to manage using Desktop Central
  2. Schedule periodic scanning of the computers to collect the hardware and software inventory details
  3. To categorize the software, select Inventory --> Manage Software Category and create new software category.
  4. To manage software licenses, select Inventory --> Manage Software Licenses and specify the license information of the commercial software.
  5. To add prohibited software, select Inventory --> Configure Prohibited Software.
  6. To be notified on specific events related to inventory, select Inventory --> Configure Email Alerts


2. How to Manage Software Licenses?

  1. Define the Scope of Management to include the computers that you wish to manage using Desktop Central
  2. Schedule periodic scanning of the computers to collect the hardware and software inventory details
  3. Select Inventory --> Manage Software Licenses and specify the license information of the commercial software.
  4. Once you have added the license details of all the commercial software, you can view the License Compliance details and Licenses to be renewed from Reports --> Inventory Reports.


3. How to detect prohibited software that are used in the network?

  1. Define the Scope of Management to include the computers that you wish to manage using Desktop Central
  2. Schedule periodic scanning of the computers to collect the hardware and software inventory details
  3. Add all the prohibited software from Inventory --> Configure Prohibited Software.
  4. To view the prohibited software found in the network, select Inventory --> Software and filter the view by selecting the access type as Prohibited.


