• 网络与数据中心管理
  • 服务器与应用性能管理
  • IT服务管理
  • Windows AD域管理
  • 终端管理
  • IT安全
  • MSP
  • IT运维平台

How To's

How to configure Desktop Central server and MySQL database to run in different computers?


In case you are looking to maintain your Desktop Central Server and MYSQL database in two different machines, for reasons related to performance, data backup etc, you can achieve it with a simple configuration. The following steps will help you configure the Desktop Central Server and the MySQL database in two different machines. For ease of operation, we have differentiated the steps that need to be carried out on the respective machines.

Steps to be performed in the computer where Desktop Central server is installed

  1. Open the file DesktopCentral_Server\conf\Persistence\persistence-configurations.xml and change the below value as specified.

    StartDBServer=false (default is true applicable for local DB)
  2. Open the file DesktopCentral_Server\conf\database_params.conf and replace the 'localhost' in the below specified with the machine name or ip-address of remote computer where the DB is running (or going to run).

    [Note: In case of changing the port, change 23306 to desired free port. Also change DB_PORT value in DesktopCentral_Server\mysql\setDBEnv.bat]
  3. Copy the below files(with same directory structure) in the remote computer where the DB needs to be installed. Ensure that MySQL Service is not running when you copy these files. (DesktopCentral_Server\bin\stopDB.bat to will shut it down if it is running)
    DesktopCentral_Server\mysql\** (complete folder)

Steps to be followed in the Remote Computer where the Database has to be installed

  1. Open a command prompt with "Run As Administrator" option
  2. Change directory to DesktopCentral_Server\mysql folder.
  3. Execute the below commands in the same order:
    mysql-service.bat install (this command will register mysql as service with the name as DesktopCentral-MySQL)
    mysql-service.bat start(this command will start the mysql service, alternatively you can use Services snap-in from Control Panel to start/stop the service)
  4. mysql-privilege.bat SERVER_HOST_NAME (provide the computer name or ip-address of the machine where the Desktop Central server is running in place of SERVER_HOST_NAME) (execute this command only after the mysql service has successfully started)

